Junior Program

Our junior program continues to improve as we get more and more positive thinking families involved that appreciate the many benefits that we offer our juniors.  We work year-round and pride ourselves in sharing our knowledge with our customers, as well as do our best to support you at several shows throughout the year.  Our benefits, include:

  1. A good selection of top quality show calves at affordable prices
  2. The La Muneca raffle where a junior can earn lots of money for themselves keeping 50% of their ticket sales with the balance going into the LMC Futurity pot
  3. The junior that sells the most raffle tickets, wins a $1,000 credit for his next calf
  4. The La Muneca Jr. Round-Up & Futurity held annually the first Saturday in October where our juniors learn hands on how to judge, evaluate, feed & show their Simbrahs plus compete for an average of $8,000 in prize money & buckles
  5. The Simmental-Simbrah Super Bowl held in conjunction with the San Antonio Jr. Show which awards an average of $15,000 in premiums, awards, etc.
  6. We accept calf scramble certificates and
  7. The right to two units of semen from any of the La Muneca bulls available each year to breed your show heifer to until you graduate from high school.

Give us a call today and see how you can join the winning La Muneca Junior Show Team!

LMC Junior News


July 6, 2021
LMC Juniors you should be receiving your LMC Raffle tickets in the mail along with an update with details regarding raffle ticket sales, upcoming dates and more.
If you purchased a LMC heifer born September 2019 or later and did not receive your tickets yet, please email Victor at vgg03@aol.com or call/text him at 956.607.5515.
Mark your calendars for the annual LMC Field Day & Futurity being held Saturday, October 2, 2021 at La Muneca Ranch 3 miles South of Linn, TX.


July 3, 2021

Grand Champion Purebred Simbrah Female 
Congratulations to former LMC junior Mike Petrus of Texas for breeding and to Bailey Buzzard for exhibiting the Grand Champion Purebred Simbrah Female at the 2021 AJSA National Classic in Grand Island, Nebraska.

We’d also like to congratulate LMC semen client Fields Cattle who bred the sire to Bailey’s champion female.  The sire, TK/FCC Hard Body is a 6G/LMC Rajin Cajun W908 son.  Mike bred him to his show heifer, LMC Victoria 5D/166 who is a Mr. HOC Broker daughter out of the LMC Pioneer Woman 1B/129 donor resulting in Miss Cricket pictured above.

Reserve Grand Champion B&O Female

In the Bred & Owned Simbrah Show, Lorelai Hill led her heifer BLCO Doja Sails to Reserve Grand Champion Female honors. The heifer is sired by Smith RFI Black Sails and out of her former champion LMC SSC Nina 5D/301. Nina is a 6G/LMC Rajin Cajun W908 daughter out of the successful LMC Daydream 5Z/173 donor.

Congratulations to Lorelai on all of her success with her bred and owned heifer, which also included Grand Champion Bred & Owned Simbrah Heifer at the 2021 TJSSA Futurity in Bryan last month, as well as Top 10 finishes at both the State Show and Jr. Nationals.

3rd Overall B&O Female

Jake Williams also led a daughter out of his former champion LMC show heifer, LMC Kaydee 5E/206 to 3rd Overall Bred & Owned Simbrah Heifer. JSJW Pretty Peachy is a TK/FCC Hard Body daughter, making her a 6G/LMC Rajin Cajun granddaughter.

Kaydee is a direct LMC Gold Medal daughter, making Peachy a genetic gem for Williams Cattle. Congratulations Jake - keep up the good work. We’re proud to see these LMC cows working so well in production for these young Simbrah breeders.


Exhibitors remember that you must be entered in the San Antonio Junior Heifer Show to be eligible to enter in the Superbowl.  San Antonio has a deadline of December 1, 2020 and the Superbowl deadline is December 10, 2020.
Please consult with Ag Teacher and/or County Agent prior to registering for San Antonio.  Your heifer must be purchased from a Superbowl sponsor, see the list of sponsors at the Superbowl website link below.
For more information on San Antonio, head to https://www.sarodeo.com/p/about/livestock-show
For an entry card and more information on the Simmental/Simbrah Superbowl, head to http://www.simmental-simbrahsuperbowl.com/index.htm

Reserve Grand Champion Simbrah Female  - 2020 Superbowl 
Exhibited by Cooper Mau who won over $1,000 in Superbowl premiums! 


2020 Superbowl Showmanship Champions
Over $47,000 was awarded at the 2020 Superbowl, surpassing the $950,000 mark awarded to juniors since its inception.


The 2020 Superbowl $250 Scholarship Winners 
44 Juniors were drawn at the end of the show for the $11,000 awarded in scholarships!



Check out the short video for some of the highlights headed up by Grand and Reserve Grand Champions at the 2018 Fort Worth and San Antonio Livestock Shows.