The History of the La Muneca Simbrah Program
By Carlos X. Guerra
We have been in the Simbrah business since the mid 1980’s. In the early 80’s, the Godfather of Simbrah, Bud Wentz and my Tio Dr. Lauro Guerra urged us to utilize Simmental in our Red Brahman program. We eventually built us a herd of Simbrah cattle with a Red Brahman base that we are still proud to work with today.
The Simbrah breed has been a major component of our business since 1989 and we believe in these cattle. Labeled, “The World’s Breed,” Simbrah is a versatile breed that is a 5/8 Simmental x 3/8 Brahman cross that can adapt and survive in various climates. When you take the hardiness of the Brahman breed and couple that with the carcass value and milk of the Simmental breed, we found this breed to be ideal for our environment, as well as market here in South Texas.
Due to the limited amount of semen available on ¾ Simmental x ¼ Brahman bulls to AI to F-1 Simbrahs, we chose to breed our Red Brahman cows to the best F-1 Simbrah bulls money could buy to produce ¼ x 3/4 females. We bought F-1 bulls from the Lundgrens in Washington to Colville Jackson in Mississippi. Most were sired by the popular champions Bravo and Mayro 257. By doing this, we were able to select from hundreds of Simmental bulls to breed to our ¾ Brahman females to produce purebred 5/8 x 3/8 Simbrah.
We’re proud to be heavily involved with the juniors through the Simbrah breed. We co-founded the popular Simbrah-Simmental Superbowl along with Tim Smith and Billy Wentz in 1992. This annual event now held during the San Antonio Junior Heifer Show in San Antonio, Texas is nearing $1 million dollars in premiums to the hard-working youth exhibiting Simbrah and Simmental cattle. For more information on the Superbowl and how you can become a sponsor, head over to
We will host our 32nd Annual LMC Jr. Round Up & Futurity this Fall which is an all-day family oriented, fun, and educational field day open to 4-H and FFA members and their families for free.
We also founded MAS (Marketing American Simbrah), the LMC Jackpot Show, and the TJSSA Scholarship program. We are always looking to create leadership, educational, and scholarship opportunities for our Simbrah juniors to grow this great breed of American cattle founded in the late 1960’s.
As far as our operation goes, we are still running several Simbrah mama cows and have an extensive embryo transfer program. We offer semen on all our bulls year-round and have special semen offerings through our LMC GenePLUS Online Sales held on Cattle in Motion. Our world-renowned herd bull battery features several National and International Champions, as well as champions from the annual Rio Grande Valley Beef Improvement Association’s Performance Bull Test.
We have been testing several Simbrah bulls annually for several years in the RGVBIA’s Performance Gain Test to accumulate useful data to utilize and provide to our customers. These bulls sell either private treaty or through our LMC GenePLUS Online Sales. All LMC Simbrah bulls come guaranteed fertile. We appreciate all the cattlemen who have trusted our bulls through the years. We have sold our Simbrah genetics to four continents, several countries, and over 15 states.
Our show heifer market remains strong and we have been blessed to be competitive at every level. We offer our show heifers both private treaty and through our LMC GenePLUS Online Sales. Several of our heifers that sell are products of our embryo transfer program featuring some of the freshest and proven genetics in Simbrah. Our LMC Juniors have won every major show in Texas, MAS, Synergy, and the Superbowl. See more about our junior program and former champions right here on our website. We also sell replacement females year-round as well.
ASA makes it possible to introduce new Brahman and Simmental blood to Simbrah to freshen the gene pool which we do on an annual basis. We appreciate all that the American Simmental Association has done and is doing to help us improve our Simbrah cattle.
We welcome you to check out our Simbrah program and hope you will look at some of the genetics we are utilizing today right here in our Herd Bull and Donor page. Thank you for your interest and your past suppp0rt. VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT LA MUNECA!!