LM Full House 5L/133

Registration Number: 2144815
Date of Birth: October 8, 2001
Sire: HR Power House 1
Dam: LM Robs Muneca 3E/89
LM Full House is a purebred Simbrah bull with an extra 1/16th Simmental being out of the immortal ¾ x ¼ Simmental donor cow LMC Robs Muneca 3E/89 and the two time International Grand Champion Simbrah bull HR Powerhouse. In 2004 Full House became only the third show bull in the history of Simbrah to win the coveted Triple Crown. The 2004 Grand Champion of San Antonio, Houston and the Rio Grande Valley Livestock Shows is producing some of our very best cattle to date. Full House females averaged $5370.00 in the 2006 MAS Sale. He is co-owned with Wayne Yaegar who purchased half of Full House in the LMC-4G Fiesta Sale for $5000.00, Mr. Yaegar has paid for the bull and made much more with his progeny and semen sales.
Full House was born on October 8, 2001 and is double polled. He has a tremendous front end accompanied by a sleek shoulder design. His strong top and expressive rib shape lead to a rear 1/3 that features plenty of muscle and bone. Perhaps the most important trait that Full House possesses is his clean sheath and big testicles and boy he likes to reproduce both. We think Full House is our most consistent producer of clean sheathed, big butted bulls ever.
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